Lori Norris, Mensa Foundation Ex-Officio Trustee

Lori Norris headshot

Lori Norris was elected First Vice chair on the American Mensa Committee in 2017, re-elected in 2019, and again in 2021. She’d previously served as AMC Secretary. She assumed the position of AMC Chair with the resignation of Timmy King in September of 2022.

Lori attended her first Regional Gathering in 1998, met her future husband at her second RG, and married him on the way to an RG in 2001. Since 1998, Lori has attended an average of eight RGs a year. She has served as Hospitality Chair at RGs for a decade for three different Local Groups. (In 2014 she was Hospitality Chair for the Annual Gathering and four RGs.)

She is a member of Rhode Island Mensa.
