Foundation Voices Blog

Learn more about the Mensa Foundation’s programs and efforts directly from our Trustees, committee chairs, appointees, donors, staff members, and supporters.

We hope you find inspiration in their stories.

Our Plan to Unleash Intelligence

My fellow Trustees and I are genuinely excited about the Foundation’s future. We welcome you to be part of the process — as volunteers, donors, or general advocates for the Mensa Foundation.

By Charlie Steinhice, Mensa Foundation President
The Mensa Foundation at 50: Productive Past, Exciting Future

Your gifts are allowing us to add more resources to Mensa for Kids, increase scholarships, and bring Foundation award winners more recognition and support.

By Charlie Steinhice, Mensa Foundation President
The Mensa Foundation: Our Window on the World

The Foundation looks outward. It is our window on the world. It has an impact beyond ourselves. Its scholarships, fellowships, research grants, gifted youth programs, and other activities really make a difference. That’s what I want to do: make a difference. That’s why I made a major donation to the Mensa Foundation.

By Dave Cahn
Reassurance to Research How to Develop Talented Youth

Jonathan Wai, researcher and eight-time winner of the Award for Excellence in Research, is reminded that studying how to improve the development of talented youths is worthwhile as a research topic and can make a tangible impact in the lives of gifted kids.

By Jonathan Wai
Validation for an Approach to Helping People With Autism

Speech pathologist Matthew Guggemos reflects on receiving the Foundation’s Intellectual Benefits to Society Award for his design contributions to InnerVoice — a communication app for children with autism that teaches social communication skills through AI visual language technology.

By Matthew Guggemos
An Education Toward Identifying and Nurturing Gifted Kids

The inaugural Mensa Foundation Gifted Education Fellowship provided opportunity and insight for one New Jersey educator on her quest to ensure that gifted learners from all socioeconomic levels, races, genders, and ethnicities are identified and served.

By Lynne Henwood
Scholarships Reward and Pay Forward Promise

A scholarship is an investment in the promise of a student whose intelligence and vision will yield returns many times over. For 50 years, the Mensa Foundation has nurtured that promise in thousands of students.

By Philanthropy Director John Thompson and Trustee Nguyen Pham
Shaping Curious Minds Online

Whether you’re the parent of a gifted child, a teacher looking for additional learning resources, or a family in need of homeschooling material, Mensa for Kids can provide extra support.

By Laurel Salazar